What Can I Do?
1. Learn how to talk effectively and respectfully with friends, family and elected officials
so they will hear you. CCL provides this training.
2. Talk often to friends and family about your concern for the climate—70% of people care,
only 30% talk about it regularly.

3. Engage in our democracy. Vote for climate savvy candidates. Regularly write and call: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/monthly-calling-campaign/ your members of Congress to let them know of your ongoing concern and your desire that they pass effective legislation like carbon pricing with cashback payments and permitting reform.
4. Learn about the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act that CCL endorses as the biggest step to an economy wide solution to the climate crisis and the other important policies: Electrification, Clean Energy Permitting Reform, and Healthy Forests that they support.
5. Student? Use your time in classes to prepare for the climate of your future. Since climate impacts every aspect of our lives and livelihoods, incorporate climate change into as many class assignments as possible. From anthropology to zoology, from accounting to recreation, every subject, every major. Ask your professors to cover the topic.
6. Invite MPCCL to present to your group, class, or faith group. Contact Marie Koper at 989-944-5858.
7. Text JOIN to 619-675-7507 or join CCL at https://citizensclimatelobby.org/.
8. Follow MPCCL on Facebook:Facebook.com/MtPleasantCitizensClimateLobby.
9. Contribute your passion, skills, and local knowledge to our CCL chapter or another group that fits your interests. Check out a monthly meeting to find likeminded people and actions like Marching in Parades, Tabling, and meeting with your members of Congress. Our numbers count.
10. Remember: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” –Alice Walker
Write a Letter to the Editor about Climate Change
Write a Letter to Congress
Call Congress
Carbon Calculator
25+ Tips to Reduce your Carbon Footprint
The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce your Footprint